Business Minds

worker using tablet

Technology in Modern Day Life: Enhancing Convenience

We live in a technology-driven world where everything is just a touch away. From ordering food to book travel, technology has made our lives more convenient in so many ways. As a result, many people have become more dependent on technology as time passes. This is because technology has become a necessity rather than a

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currency price list

Understanding the Financial Requirements for Running a Business

When it comes to running a business, there are a lot of financial considerations to take into account. From tax laws to equipment leasing, there are a lot of different factors to think about when trying to make your business as successful as possible. Let’s take a look at some key financial aspects of running

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online business seller

Small Online Businesses You Can Start in 2022

2022 is foreseen to be the year of business startups mainly due to three reasons: With the world slowly but continuously recovering from the impacts of the pandemic, the overall capital you’d need is relatively lower compared to the amount you’d have to spend during the foreseeable inflation coming after 2023. According to a Nielsen

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entrepreneur seated at a comfy sofa while interacting with her customers

How to Create a Strong Digital Marketing Strategy for a Small Business

A lot of small business owners are struggling to grow their markets. They are trying to stay relevant in the digital age without investing in digital marketing. However, this can be a huge mistake because it’s not just about having a presence online but also about ensuring that people find your business there. Moreover, most

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using technology

Different Business Applications to Improve Efficiency

Many companies have already started automating their processes. And they do this by using various business application software, which improves productivity and employee efficiency. According to data, about 30% of automated technology companies aim to save more time, and about 25% want accurate data analysis. Through automated procedures, employees can invest their time in other

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person working

Amazing Techy Gift Ideas That Will Delight Your Employees

There’s no denying that 2021 has been a peculiar year, and as the Christmas shopping season approaches, our choices for what to gift your employees aren’t what they’ve been in previous years. Working from home should not prevent you from expressing your gratitude to your employees throughout the Christmas season. Sending presents to coworkers is

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sad senior woman

5 Brain-damaging Habits That Can Lead to Dementia

Dementia changes the brain structurally and chemically. Structurally, the cells in the brain die, and the tissues are lost, leading to the brain’s shrunken size. Chemically, the electrical signals between the brain’s cells get weak and wear down. These changes in the brain make a person lose their ability to function normally as any other healthy

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Online Fundraising

Online Fundraisers Companies Can Organize

Since large, in-person events are still restricted, companies can’t organize fundraising events in the meantime. Luckily, we have the internet. Social networking sites and a few other websites allow us to donate money remotely. As such, we can also use them to organize an online fundraising event. Before proceeding, however, your company must choose a

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person working on their computer

Thanks to Technology, Woodworking Is Now More Sustainable

Despite being a sustainable building material, wood leaves a significant carbon footprint when used commercially. Indeed, wood production hurts many forests, prompting some individuals to choose other materials or reclaimed wood instead. But thanks to technology, woodworking has been made more eco-friendly. Technology helped in reforestation efforts and offered more sustainable woodworking methods. Below, we’ll

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Guide to Making Your Website More Accessible

The internet can be a strange and confusing place to navigate for anyone who’s not used to it. People with disabilities are often at a disadvantage both online and offline. Although the internet opens up a world of possibilities and accessibility, there are still sites and web pages that aren’t exactly accessible for people with

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