Online Fundraising

Online Fundraisers Companies Can Organize

Since large, in-person events are still restricted, companies can’t organize fundraising events in the meantime. Luckily, we have the internet. Social networking sites and a few other websites allow us to donate money remotely. As such, we can also use them to organize an online fundraising event.

Before proceeding, however, your company must choose a specific nonprofit organization to donate to. You can’t simply say you’d donate the money to “charity”. Your events’ participants, which would include your customers and stakeholders, should know where their money will go. You can pick a cause like “fighting cancer” or “beating the effects of climate change”, but there should be a specific NGO that would use your funds.

You can use an innovative donation matching platform to start. It’s a website that lets you create a donation profile. It shows the progress of your donations and lets your employees choose a cause to support. Moreover, your customers can see it, allowing them to stay updated about your fundraising campaigns.

But since companies can’t hold in-person events yet, interest in your fundraisers might decline. Worry not, because these online fundraising event ideas are just as viral-worthy:

Online Fundraising

1. Photo or Short Video Challenges

With Tiktok and Instagram Reels dominating social media nowadays, this is the perfect time to start a photo or short video challenge. This is how the Ice Bucket Challenge succeeded and raised £6.8 million.

One popular photo challenge was the “No Makeup Selfie”. Cancer Research UK started it. In this challenge, women posted bare-faced photos of themselves on social media. Since that wasn’t a common practice, it drew attention and prompted users to read the captions. Celebrities also hopped on the trend, further raising awareness about the campaign. As a result, the No Makeup Selfie Challenge raised £8,000,000.

Consider something like this for your own online fundraiser. Think of a theme or daring act that social media users don’t often see. You can go as bizarre or as solemn as you want, as long as the content it would generate won’t violate community policies. The key is to catch attention, so ensure that your idea is unique enough but easy to perform.

2. Fandom-related Posts or Challenges

The Harry Potter franchise is among the films with the biggest fan base ever. As such, the Harry Potter Alliance started a fundraiser in support of equality, literacy, and human rights. Some collectibles in the franchise, particularly the Hogwarts Library book set, also raise funds for Lumos Foundation, an NGO J.K. Rowling herself founded.

You can use the same strategy, but online, to encourage a specific fandom to donate. For example, if your brand colors are similar to an artists’ fan colors, start a photo challenge that showcases any item of your brand’s with that color. Spread the campaign using a hashtag. Then donate the funds to an NGO that supports a cause related to the artist’s work.

3. Virtual Event

Virtual events are much easier for supporters to attend. Try holding an online conference about a cause or social issue. Invite speakers from NGOs, and let them lead the discussions. A conference effectively educates people about the effects of social injustices or environmental issues. It stirs a desire to help and increase awareness. Even if you don’t do it in person, people can still feel an impact from learning about something online.

So don’t miss the chance to make a change by waiting for the restrictions to end. Take advantage of online meeting platforms like Zoom or Google Meet.

4. Live Streamed Game Night

Live streaming grew in popularity during the pandemic. This presents an opportunity to engage in one, too. Consider a live-streamed board game night to bring some nostalgia to the event. Invite your local community centers and stakeholders to participate. Encourage them to involve their families, because what’s a board game night without family?

Playing board games is a classic family activity during winters. Play for a cause, and it would also teach kids to give back and appreciate their blessings.

5. Virtual Classes or Workshop

If spilling a few trade secrets will engage your customers successfully, consider hosting a virtual class or workshop. For example, if you sell makeup products, organize a makeup artistry workshop. It would teach your customers the best ways to use your products and let them donate to an NGO at the same time. Online baking or cocktail classes are popular, too.

Nowadays, consumers no longer want companies that only take. They now prefer companies that give more than they receive. So don’t let a pandemic hold you back from doing philanthropic activities. They could be your ticket to success during this tough time.

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