Business Minds

well-lit dental clinic

How Digital Technology Is Shaping the Dental Industry

A digital takeover is a word you might have heard before in other industries. If you haven’t, a digital takeover is a process of digitally transforming an industry, making it rely on digital processes to get the job done. It’s only relatively recently that dentistry decided to apply this into their daily operations. Nowadays, digital

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business continuity

Top Business Continuity Trends for 2022

In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, one thing is necessary for the economy. It is for the businesses to remain running. However, it is not just about one virus that constantly changes and creates disruptions. It is about facing all upcoming disasters, whether artificial or natural. If you want to run your business irrespective of the

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people discussing together

Understanding the Potential Risks of Technology in Business

There has been a lot of encouraging information out there about technology and how it can highly benefit your business. One major modern technology platform can take your business to the next level, enabling you to compete with other businesses in the market. Today’s technology can improve any or every aspect of your business, such

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How 3D Animation Can Take Your Business To The Next Level

Businesses have long known that 3D animation can be a powerful tool to help them reach their goals. With it, they can create more immersive and engaging experiences for their customers, keep them coming back for more, and even capture attention with marketing materials and advertisements. But what many businesses may not know is that

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Innovative Shopping Experience: Modern Practices Today

In our fast-paced society, convenience is critical. We want to get in and out of a store as quickly as possible, with the items we need. And traditional stores have been trying to keep up with this demand by creating a more modern shopping experience. It includes implementing self-checkout, express lanes, and even delivery services.

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maintenance man giving a thumbs up

How the Right to Repair Can Help Businesses

The right to repair is an important concept that helps people understand their rights and how they can protect themselves. This right is often overlooked or forgotten, which leads to difficulties with the equipment and more problems than necessary. It’s important to know your rights and what you’re entitled to when it comes to repairing

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7 Tips for Creating a High-Performance Culture

Creating a high-performance culture means bringing the most out of every individual on the team. This is done through effective communication both ways — manager to an employee and employee to the manager — focusing on open lines of feedback about progress made each day or week and understanding that there may always be room

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man working from home

How to Run Your Business from Anywhere in the World

Working remotely has become a viable option for many entrepreneurs and business owners. The internet makes it possible to work from anywhere, as long as you have access to the internet and your computer. This is especially true if you need or want to travel frequently. There are several ways to make this dream a

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a business owner

Innovation for Business Owners: A Quicker Route to Success

In business, we can all agree that it is much easier to succeed when you innovate. Business owners are always looking for ways to achieve success more quickly. This is especially true in today’s business environment, where innovation has become the key to success. Business owners constantly have to innovate to keep up with the

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a person working with a machine

Aspects That Impact Manufacturing Costs

The market value of things often fluctuates, and it’s hard to pinpoint this change in price to just one thing. It can be because of the spikes and availability of raw materials required to create the finished product. It can also be because of other things, such as high fuel prices affecting logistics and delivery

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