patient's teeth being checked by dentist

Laser and Sedative Dentistry: Future of the Dentistry Industry?

Technologies continue to evolve and improve many industries globally, and dentistry is no exception. As a result, dentists now have access to various new tools and techniques to make their work easier, faster, and more effective.

Two of the most popular new developments in dentistry are laser dentistry and sedative dentistry. These two are creating waves in the entire industry and are bound to consume it whole. Find out more about these forms of dentistry and why they’re here to stay.

Laser Dentistry

Laser technology has been around for quite some time. The first laser was known to be developed in the 1960s. Back then, lasers were only used in large medical settings and were too expensive for smaller practices.

But as time went on, laser technology became more and more advanced. Lasers began to miniaturize, and their costs began to drop. In addition, it made them much more accessible to dentists and other medical professionals.

Nowadays, lasers are used for a variety of different dental procedures. Dental professionals can use them for everything from teeth whitening to cavity removal.

The Benefits of Lasers in Dentistry

There are many benefits of lasers in dentistry. One of them is the reduction of bleeding in dental treatments.

Reduced Bleeding

Lasers have been known to help reduce bleeding during dental procedures. It’s because they help to seal off blood vessels and prevent them from bleeding. It’s especially beneficial for patients who fear needles or who have a difficult time getting numb.


Another great benefit of lasers is that they can help to reduce the amount of time a procedure takes. This is because dentists can use them to target specific areas, and treatment can be completed more quickly.


Lasers are also very precise, which means that there are fewer errors when using them during dental procedures. This precision is highly beneficial for processes requiring high accuracy, such as cavity filling.

Child in the dental chair dental treatment during surgery

Sedative Dentistry

While laser dentistry is becoming increasingly popular, sedative dentistry is also rising. This type of dentistry uses medication to help patients relax during their dental procedures.

Many different types of sedatives can be used, and the kind used will depend on the patient’s needs. The most common type of sedative used in dentistry is nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas.

This type of sedative is inhaled through a mask during the procedure. It helps to relax patients and make them feel more comfortable. It also wears off relatively quickly, so patients can drive themselves home after their appointment.

Other sedatives that can be used include oral sedatives and IV sedation. Oral sedatives are pills that are taken before the procedure. Much like nitrous oxide, they help relax patients and make them feel more comfortable.

IV sedation is a more potent form of sedation. It’s administered through an IV and is used for more complex procedures.

The Benefits of Sedative Dentistry

There are many benefits of sedative dentistry, one of which is that it helps ease anxiety.

Anxiety Relief

It’s estimated that about 50-80% of Americans have dental anxiety. They all experience a great deal of fear and stress regarding dental procedures.

Sedative dentistry can be highly beneficial for these patients. It helps ease their anxiety and make them feel more comfortable during their procedure. As a result, they can get the dental care they need without all of the stress and anxiety.

Fewer Complications

Many essential dental treatments can turn complicated if the patient is overly anxious about the situation. One example is dental implants. The process of measuring and placing implants is relatively simple. But if the patient is worried, it can cause them to tense up and make the process more difficult. As a result, they can be fidgety and sensitive, even to the smallest amount of pain.

Sedative dentistry helps to prevent this from happening. Keeping a relaxed patient decreases the chance of complications.

Are They Here to Last?

Both laser and sedative dentistry is the pinnacles of modern dentistry. And while they are both relatively new, they show a great deal of promise. As a result, they will likely continue to be used more and more as time goes on.

They can also be far more affordable than people realize. For example, many dental insurance plans cover sedation dentistry and even laser dentistry.

So if you’re looking for a way to ease your anxiety about dental procedures or simply looking for a more efficient way to get treatment, then sedative or laser dentistry may be proper for you. Talk to your dentist to see if either of these options is a good fit.

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