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How the Covid-19 Crisis Drove These Three Trends to the Spotlight

The current global pandemic did wonders when it comes to disrupting our lives. Corporate workers are now in their pajamas working from home. Entrepreneurs are racking their brains to find ways to keep their businesses afloat. Others had no choice to but close down. But for some business owners, they learned how to turn things around and use the pandemic to their advantage.

Different sectors showed resilience by taking advantage of today’s technology. Now, they are offering their services to online consumers or made new business ventures to cater to consumers’ current needs. These are three examples of trends driven by the current crisis.

Hygienic Self-care

Before the pandemic, most consumers are only focused on beauty products. But after the pandemic, consumers realized that the best form of self-care is about maintaining a healthy body and a sane mind. This led to the surge in demand for health and wellness products and services.

Instead of hitting the gym, consumers are spending on home gym equipment and only gym classes. Organic, home-grown produce and healthier, home-cooked meals are a hit. Even the beauty industry shifted to hygienic self-care now that consumer’s needs point to health, safety, and sanitation.

Pharmaceutical firms, perfume companies, and even distilleries turned to alcohol and sanitizer-making to accommodate the growing demand for such products. Many are investing in different technologies such as fluid dispensing nozzles, transfer pumps, and piling lines to aid the production process. They are adding, if not transforming their facilities into alcohol and sanitizer manufacturing factories to continue serving their customer’s rising needs for hygienic products.

Cashless Purchases

The pandemic caused people to turn to online shopping more. As customers flock online stores, cashless payments became prevalent. Even with in-person transactions, consumers are opting for cards and online payments for extra conve the following news claimed that cashless payments are not enough to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus. Without proper handwashing and poor practices after touching objects like your card and phone, you can still be susceptible to the virus.nience.

This is after certain reports claimed that the virus can be transferred through cash exchange. Even if

But then, cashless payments give consumers more peace of mind knowing they get lessen the spread of germs and viruses. This led more consumers to ditch cash payments and embrace other forms of payment.

Online Self-service Solutions


Numerous utility companies and other businesses are encouraging consumers to use digital solutions when making inquiries, payments, and even complaints. They want to bring their services closer to consumers while still encouraging them to shelter in place. The lesser number of consumers in their centers, the easier it will be for them to control the spread of the virus with proper health and safety protocols in place.

These give consumers better peace of mind knowing they can fulfill their obligations the stress-free way. Now, they can ask their questions, share feedback, and pay their dues on time minus the long lines and contact with other people. They can enjoy better customer service as online representatives are available to assist them 24/7.

Aside from mobile-friendly websites, companies are now investing in building communities through their social media campaigns, mobile apps, and even text-based communications channel. Now, one can easily reach out and gain assistance through text, Facebook, the company’s official mobile app, or from their website.

These are but three trends that are hot and trendy in the middle of the pandemic. Numerous businesses are using their facilities to embrace the growing demand for hygienic products. Companies are offering self-service solutions online. More consumers are embracing cashless payments to reduce the spread of the virus through cash exchange. This only goes to show how in everything we do, we try to stay as closer to our goal as much as possible which is to maintain our health amid the pandemic.

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