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Creatively Obtaining 100% Customer Feedback Rates for Your Business

Gathering and analyzing customer feedback plays an important role in improving a product or service. But getting feedback can be tricky for many businesses. Customers come from different locations, and collecting information from them can be a challenge. What’s more, customers have busy schedules, and providing feedback about your brand is not their priority.

Analyzing your product or service performance can give you several insights into what your customers think about your brand. But sometimes the sales performance is not enough. Wouldn’t it be better if you get more in-depth feedback from them? Here we will show you the best ways to collect and analyze customer data using various technology tools. Follow these strategies so you can get the most honest information from them.

1. Record phone calls

Businesses with an outbound sales team are likely to conduct hundreds of calls every day. These call logs are not only for training purposes, but you can also record phone calls to acquire feedback about your product or service.

Some companies use powerful voice-of-the-customer (VoC) programs to capture and analyze customer feedback. This strategy ensures a customizable survey experience that will make customers feel engaged. In return, the tool can also improve your company’s customer listening skills and insight evaluation regarding customer feedback.

2. Add surveys into your Wi-Fi network


One way to attract customers into an establishment is to offer free Wi-Fi. These include coffee shops, bars, hotels, and malls that provide free Wi-Fi as part of their services. Of course, a customer who badly needs an Internet connection will never turn down a free Wi-Fi offer. That is why you should treat it as a valuable opportunity to collect feedback from them.

Some stores require customers to create an account before they can access the Wi-Fi. Once they provide an email address, the store will add it to their email list to send surveys and promotions. But this technique does not ensure high feedback rates since most people tend to ignore email campaigns.

A better tip is to require customers to answer a quick survey before they can access the Wi-Fi. This technique is a fair value trade for the business and customer. You get the feedback you need while the customer gets free Wi-Fi in return.

3. Live chat transcripts

Live chat tools are not only useful for customer support. You can also use them to help your business gather feedback and reviews.

Reviewing previous chat transcripts will help you identify the weak and strong points of your business. Although reading chat transcripts involves plenty of work, you can make the job easier by categorizing customer concerns into feedback points. Look for frequently mentioned topics as they are usually the major problem areas for your business.

This strategy helps in improving customer satisfaction and reducing required resources for customer services. While qualitative chat transcripts are difficult to review, they tend to be the most in-depth and direct feedback you can obtain from your customers.

4. Maximize social media platforms

Website content

Social media is a proven, efficient tool used by many businesses to communicate their message to their target audience. You can find many users actively participating in online communities, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. What’s great about social media is that businesses don’t need to spend anything to join in online discussions. You can send direct messages, respond to comments, and post engaging content.

You can use social media to see how people feel about your company. But if a customer shares a negative review, respond and act quickly. Active social media users are often expecting a fast response, especially from businesses. That is why you need to have dedicated chat support on your business’s Facebook page. You can also monitor the social media activities of your customers and competitors to discover the events and trends that can influence your business.

5. Review website visitor sessions

Do you ever wonder why customers are visiting your website, but you are not getting high conversions? Reviewing session replays is a great way to collect feedback about your website performance.

You can use website tools to monitor how visitors are using your website by recording user interaction. It contains what they are viewing, clicking on, and interacting with the most.

While this may sound disturbing for some, this type of feedback tool helps monitor website performance based on the visitor’s viewpoint and finding issues you haven’t noticed.

Acquiring a wide range of customer feedback about your branding, customer service, and products is crucial in improving your business performance. Knowing about their viewpoints can help you discover your brand’s weak and strong points and make necessary changes to enhance your consumer base and boost sales and revenue.

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