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Why Should You Use Linux for Your Small Business?

When we talk about “Linux,” an image of a black and green computer screen operated by a tech wiz often springs to mind. And that’s not exactly false: many computer experts prefer using Linux for their work as it offers them more abilities than Windows or Mac. But for small businesses, the benefits that come with Linux are also very applicable. Let’s look at why Linux is a viable alternative for businesses using computers in their workflow.

It’s Free

Perhaps the biggest reason why Linux is popular is that it’s free. Free in the sense that you don’t have to pay for a subscription or license. And for businesses looking to implement cost-cutting measures, this is a highly viable alternative.

Many industries use Linux for their operations, as there are many benefits embedded in the Linux ecosystem. Even for small businesses that don’t require complex computations, this OS still provides advantages, especially compared to traditional offerings. Your business doesn’t need to feel imprisoned by proprietary operating systems, especially when Linux is very accessible.

It Has Free Software, Too

A Linux computer can still do everything a regular Windows or Mac computer can. You can still view your marketing statistics, view your local SEO stats, manage accounts and other business operations. And the bonus here is not only is Linux free, but many of the software it houses are also free.

The free and open-source software (FOSS) system is wide and varied, and much proprietary software has its own FOSS equivalent. Finding alternatives for traditional programs are rather easy, and they offer similar functionalities and abilities. Many of them come bundled with popular Linux distributions as well.

It’s Flexible and Customisable

Linux boasts not just freedom from payments but also the freedom to customiser and edit at your will. Of course, the more technical customisation will require skill and expertise, but even simple customisation options are available. Do you want the system to work a certain way? It’s all a quick Google search and configuration.

And you don’t have to be a computer genius to modify your system. Most of the time, making a computer only displays a terminal or software specific to your industry is easy. You can even use older hardware because of its all-encompassing kernel, which we will look at next.

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It Won’t Crash on You

Almost everyone has experienced their computer suddenly crashing in the middle of a busy workday. It’s annoying to deal with and can cost you losses. The last thing any business wants is for their work machine to die on them while doing critical work.

Linux, thanks to the efforts of thousands of developers, offers a stable experience. Its kernel stores the hardware information of thousands of devices. This means it can work with almost any computer hardware, which also includes older computers. You won’t have to throw away seemingly “outdated” software when they’re still functioning properly. This saves you not just money but also the time to configure and set up the newer computers.

It Has Top-level Security

Cybersecurity is something that’s on the mind of any business owner. Every year, companies lose thousands (if not millions!) of dollars due to cyberattacks. Propping up a security system is a priority of any establishment using computers, as it can prove fatal to the business.

However, managing security is considerably easier when using Linux. Security and privacy have become a credo for many Linux developers, wanting to use their systems without the fear of cyberattacks. Of course, you still need to educate your employees about cybersecurity. Still, on its own, Linux is significantly more difficult to penetrate and has significantly fewer viruses than the common operating system.

It Has Good Distros to Start With

However, unlike Windows or Mac, Linux doesn’t just come with one operating system until the newest update comes. It has many variations and sub-types, all with different purposes and functionalities. Here are a few you can consider.

Ubuntu. It’s one of the most popular Linux OS and is one of the most stable too. It offers efficiency and functionality and can work with almost any computer hardware.

Linux Mint. This OS is great for those wanting a more traditional desktop experience. Many small businesses use Linux Mint, especially those using office software like a word processor, a spreadsheet, or presentation tools.

Manjaro. Older computers often have trouble running the latest software and OS, but Manjaro can help you with that. It manages computer hardware to such an efficient extent that even a 15-year-old PC can still be functional.

Debian. This is the base of many other Linux OS. It’s also one of the most supported, as many developers choose to improve this OS for other programmers to use.

With these ideas in mind, you can consider if Linux OS is the right one for you. Weigh in the different factors and see if you can make a smooth transition.

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