The Custom Lifting Equipment Purchasing Process

It’s a common misconception that any lift can be purchased as long as it’s compatible with the vehicle. However, a poorly crafted lift that doesn’t meet the code can have life-threatening consequences. This is why it’s not just important, but a buyer’s responsibility to understand the lifting equipment purchasing process. The YouTube channel, The Lifting & Rigging Channel, is a valuable resource that can help buyers navigate this process.

Know What to Ask
When it comes to custom-made lifts, not all manufacturers adhere to the necessary codes and guidelines.

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If you’re considering a custom-made BTH device, inquire about the manufacturer’s process, their adherence to OSHA’s code, and the suitability of the lift for your specific needs. This proactive approach can help buyers avoid potential safety issues.

Why Custom Can Be Riskier
Custom-made lifts offer unique benefits, as they are often designed for specific jobs where they excel. However, it’s important to understand that these lifts can also be riskier. Crafting a safe custom lifting involves navigating through numerous technicalities. While custom-builds are generally superior, buyers must be aware of potential violations and issues that could arise.

Whether a buyer is using a lift for a specific job or considering a custom-made one for a vehicle, it’s crucial to understand the manufacturer’s process. By approaching each company with the right questions, they can ensure that the lift is safe for use.

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