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Technology Pushes the Construction Industry Forward in the New Normal

Due to the new living conditions brought by the pandemic, people continue to spend the majority of their days in the comfort of their own homes. Our homes no longer serve as just a place to unwind at the end of a long day but as remote offices, virtual classrooms, and even entertainment spaces. As homes continue to take on more roles, it’s no surprise the real estate market continues to adapt as well as home renovation projects.

Even in the midst of such uncertain times in the financial market, homes continue to be a priority for the majority of individuals and families. However, with the new normal comes a new way of doing business. Traditional business practices in home construction and renovation are slowly but surely integrating more technological alternatives that better cater to the current market needs.

From the initial stages of conceptualization and planning to the last stages of project closure, technology can aid in bridging the gaps created by the new normal. Not only by helping with virtual communication but also in creating initial models at scale, providing e-commerce platforms for remote sales, and updated BIMs.

Here are some ways technology helps propel the construction industry forward after the pandemic:

Virtual communication

Both large- and small-scale construction projects often require extensive collaboration between different experts in the field. From architects, engineers, general contractors, and construction workers, speedy and efficient communication is the backbone of any great project. During such uncertain times, remote communication and project updates are often done through electronic systems to prioritize the team’s health and safety.

Virtual communication also extends beyond the physical team and the clients. Clear project expectations in terms of models, finances, and timelines are essential to client satisfaction. Virtual communication also aids in ensuring clients are up to date regarding the project’s progress and possible pain points that may arise.


a person using a computer tablet

Technological innovation continues to improve the very core of construction planning and execution. Building information modeling (BIM) is one of the key aspects at play in terms of Virtual design and construction (VDC). The improved usage of technology in the field like drones and other cameras helps provide more accurate digital building models that in turn improve the visual design and construction process.

Digital building allows all the parties involved to anticipate potential project pitfalls and course-correct prior to any initial groundwork. This not only helps reduce financial losses but also streamlines the overall process on the ground. While these technologies are conceptually used, further development in the field is also in the works to provide more accurate models that can be totally manipulated and can accurately present issues ahead of time.

E-commerce platforms

The transition to online sales for businesses in the retail sector has been apparent even during the early stages of the pandemic. As many industries continue to follow suit, many vendors and suppliers are developing their own e-commerce platforms to course online purchases for raw materials. This not only allows for contactless purchases but provides these businesses with accurate digital records regarding prices, quantity, and order timelines.

E-commerce has especially been helpful for international transactions as different countries undergo different lockdown restrictions. Transparency for order timelines and quick email updates allow for efficient project changes. Integrating systems that cater to remote customer orders, sales, customer service, and tracking has greatly helped big and small builds in the pandemic.

Improved workforce

There’s no better time to upskill your current workforce than in the new normal. Investing in online training to further improve and update your BIM or preparing your workforce for CSCS testing to obtain worker certification can greatly improve your overall project results. While these don’t result in an automatic financial return, a well-trained workforce helps avoid any unwanted safety issues, project delays and keeps your team running at its best. Online courses, certifications, and seminars are readily available for a wide variety of project concerns. Your return on investment comes in tenfold when it comes to the improvement seen in future projects and workforce growth.

Technological integration and digitalization, to varying extents, have been present in the construction sector long before the pandemic. However, such extensive restrictions have propelled companies to find new and efficient ways to remote manage their workforce and projects. Core tech integration also continues to adapt as software giants pump our cutting-edge programs that aid in virtual building models. The improvements don’t seem to be stopping anytime soon, and despite these constant changes in the market, things look to be going uphill from here.

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