people clinking drinks

Guide to Planning a Surprise Birthday Bash

Some of us are all for grand gestures when expressing our adoration for our best friend, significant other, or family, so we just can’t help but plan a surprise for them every time their birthday comes. If we do this consistently, we may be already becoming predictable, but the key is to plan something different every year so that they’d always look forward to it.

If you’re fond of surprising your loved ones, have you ever tried planning a surprise birthday bash for them? It won’t just be an ordinary birthday party — all their loved ones will gather in a nice, big venue, filled with party props and equipment, and lots of food. It can be a challenge to plan such a big event secretly, but with the following tips, you can succeed in pulling off your first surprise birthday bash for your loved one.

The Planning Stages

For a birthday bash, you’d first want to look into your venue options. You can rent a portion of a football field or campgrounds if you think they’d prefer an outdoor venue. If their birthday falls in winter, you’d want to consider hotel ballrooms and other indoor party venues.

Connect with their family members and other friends. Make a secret group chat with them that’s properly named to avoid mistakenly sending the info to the celebrant or to another chat group that they belong in.

Gather everyone’s free time. Ideally, the surprise should take place on the celebrant’s exact birthday, but if that won’t be possible, have it on the nearest date before or after, making sure everyone or the majority of their loved ones could attend.

Choose a co-conspirator among their friends or family. Working all by yourself will surely stress you out, so ask one or a couple of reliable people to help you out. You can divide tasks to establish an organization.

Look for the best vendors. For a birthday bash, you’d need a caterer, an event stylist, and top-quality audiovisual equipment for rent. You may also need to boost entertainment to excite the attendees and the celebrant, so consider hiring a DJ, the celebrant’s favorite band, or cool and talented performers to provide quality entertainment all night long.

people celebrating at a party

Preparing the Venue

You would be the busiest a few days ahead of the surprise, but make sure not to let this show! If the celebrant asks you to hang out on a day that you need to prep the venue, make up a convincing story on why you can’t go with them. Promise to treat them on their birthday, which would be the night of the surprise.

When you prep the venue, try no to go overboard with decor. Find out the celebrant’s aesthetic, and center the party’s theme around it. Or, you can make the decor more personalized by hanging Polaroid photos of the celebrant together with their family and friends. The key is to make the decor all about them!

Surprise Gifts

Pump up the surprise by preparing more surprises, such as special gifts and performances. Try persuading a talented singer friend of theirs to showcase their golden voice at the party. If they have a family of great dancers, maybe they can choreograph a special dance for them. Have everyone participate in the best that they can to amplify the awesomeness of the party.

The Night of Surprise

First, make sure the celebrant can attend their party. Don’t make it obvious right away that you’re taking them to a surprise party, but rather, simply tell them that you’re headed to a random festive gathering. Relish their initial puzzlement before you all scream, “surprise!”

You may love planning surprises, but if you’re doing it for someone for the first time, make sure they’re fine with being the center of attention. Do not surprise them if they don’t do well with being caught off-guard. Be sure that you know them very well, and only then can you be successful at surprising them with an epic birthday bash.

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