working from home

Creating a Home Office Tips According to Millennials

As the Coronavirus pandemic continues to sprawl havoc across the world, social distancing and shelter-in-place are still highly encouraged by different states and local governments. In order to survive, several businesses are forced to adapt to a remote work arrangement for their nonessential employees.

This remote work setup is not something new for millennials. In fact, 61.4 percent of millennial workers would telecommute to work from coffee shops or co-working spaces. Although working from home may sound exciting, the initial excitement will eventually die down as surmounting responsibilities pile up.

Perhaps the number one challenge posed by a work-from-home setup is how to be productive. A haphazardly planned work-from-home setup will eventually blur the lines between your personal life and your work life. Instead of working hard, you end up hardly working at all.

It is important to make the right decisions in creating a home office conducive to productivity. Thus, to help you succeed with your remote work setup, here are ten proven solutions tried and tested by millennial employees.

Carefully Pick the Best Spot

The most crucial step in creating a home office is selecting the best spot in your house for the job. The ideal home office area should be noise and distraction-free. It should also offer you some privacy.

Not everyone is lucky to have a spare room that can be converted to an office space. With the reality that you might be sharing an apartment with a roommate, or that your house is small and you have kids, you need to get creative in dealing with your limited space.

You can actually convert a closet of any size to a workable home office. Infrequently used areas of your house, like the dining area or guest room, can also work as your home office space. Furthermore, since you are spending a lot of time in your home office, consider a spot that has a better view.

Gear up on Office Equipment

Do not forget to invest in essentials for your home office, such as a computer, a telephone, a surge protector, a personal server, a multipurpose machine, and many others.

Create a checklist to streamline what you need in your home office. More often than not, skipping this part would lead to only two things ━ either overestimating or underestimating. Neither one is good.

Secure Your Internet Connection

Since you are telecommuting, reliable high-speed internet is a must. An excellent internet connection is necessary to work efficiently online.

Consider also adding a network router if you have more than one laptop or computer that needs internet access. Although it might be costly, having a backup internet utility provider is a great idea in case any connection might arise with your main internet provider.

Good Lighting and Ventilation

A well-lighted room with good airflow ensures a productive and healthy work-from-home lifestyle. Select an area of your house that has a window or two. Natural light and fresh air not only helps you save on electricity, but it can help you work better. Also, they help boost your mood to combat stress and other mental health issues.

Add Some Greens

Apart from having natural light and good ventilation, having some indoor plants on your workspace has several benefits. Not only will the greenery help brighten the room and your mood, but they also act as natural air filters ensuring you are breathing fresh and clean air.

Color and Decorate

Make your workspace cozy according to your taste to boost your productivity. Add a personal touch by putting up decorations ━ but remember to keep it at a minimum to lessen distractions. Paint some colors on the walls as well to make your home office area more inviting.

Invest in a Good Chair

Woman working from home

Though it is tempting to just grab a chair and start working, investing in an ergonomic chair is a good investment in the long run. When you are working from home, you are spending several hours of the day sitting down and facing your computer. With this in mind, you need a chair that gives proper back and arm support to avoid any posture problem.

Get the Right Desk

When budget and space allow, investing in a good and comfortable work desk is also a great idea. Even better, consider buying an ergonomic height adjustable desk that allows you to work on a standing height when you feel like stretching your legs.

Storage, Storage, Storage

Having a clutter-free work area also adds to your productivity. Investing in a simple cubby system helps you stay organized and neat in your home office with all your paper files and office supplies. However, if you have some sensitive documents that need to be stored, opt for lockable storage cabinets.

Add Some Scent

Aside from investing in aesthetic and functional features of your home office, boost your work productivity targeting your olfactory senses. Certain essential oils like peppermint, sweet orange, and rosemary are proven to create some positive effects to get you working.

Though not all houses are built for an office setup, with a little creativity ━ or help from an experienced interior designer ━ you can transform any limited space into a working home office.

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