
Exploring the Newly Discovered Reasons Why People Get Into Car Accidents

• Six million car accidents occur in the U.S. annually, resulting in 40,000 deaths and injuries for Americans under age 34.

• Distracted driving, prescription medications, fatigued driving, eating while driving, aggressive driving, and faulty equipment can all increase one’s chances of getting into an accident.

• To prevent car accidents, it’s important to maintain vehicle parts, follow traffic rules, avoid distractions, and stay alert while driving.

• If an accident occurs, it’s essential to document all details at the scene and contact your insurance company immediately.

Car accidents have been a significant cause of road injuries and fatalities for decades. Various reasons, including driver errors and vehicle malfunctions, cause these accidents. However, recent studies have shown that there are some newly discovered reasons why people get into car accidents that were previously not considered. Here’s what you need to know about car accidents in the U.S. and how to prevent them.

Car Accidents in the U.S.

It’s estimated that about four million car accidents occur annually in the United States, resulting in approximately 40,000 deaths. Motor vehicle collisions are the leading cause of death and injury for Americans under age 34, and they’re one of the top 10 causes of death overall.

Distracted Driving

Smartphones have become integral to people’s daily lives with modern technological advancements. Unfortunately, many people have habitually used their phones while driving. Texting, browsing, or making calls while driving is a significant distraction that can increase your chances of getting into an accident. It’s essential always to keep your phone away and focus on the road while driving. If it’s urgent, pull over and take the call or text.

Prescription Medications

While most prescription medications come with warnings on the labels, many users still disregard these warnings and get behind the wheel. Some medications may cause drowsiness or dizziness, which can affect your driving. Before taking any medication, it’s essential to read the label and ensure it doesn’t affect your driving. If it does, avoid driving until the effects wear off.

Napping in the car

Fatigued Driving

Sleep is an essential part of our lives, and lack of it can impact our health and daily activities. Driving while fatigued or sleepy is just as dangerous as drunk driving. Getting enough sleep before taking long drives is essential to avoid feeling exhausted. If you feel drowsy while driving, pull over and take a short nap or consume caffeine to keep you alert.

Eating While Driving

Eating or drinking while driving can be a significant distraction, especially if it’s messy or requires both hands. Eating can distract you from the road. Take your hands off the wheel and your eyes off the road. If you must eat while driving, choose foods that require minimal attention, like a granola bar or a sandwich.

Aggressive Driving

Aggressive driving is defined as any driving behavior that endangers or is likely to endanger people, property, or both. This behavior includes tailgating, speeding, and cutting other drivers off. Aggressive driving can lead to car accidents and road rage. It’s crucial to drive defensively and be aware of other drivers’ intentions.

Faulty Equipment

Lastly, faulty equipment in your car can cause accidents. It’s essential to have regular maintenance checks of your vehicle, including brakes and lights, to ensure they are functioning correctly. Faulty batteries and tires can also cause accidents. Ensure you keep up to date with servicing your car and check the condition before driving.

Ways to Prevent Accidents on the Road

If you drive often, you must take all safety precautions to avoid car accidents. Here are some measures you can take to prevent yourself and others from getting into a car accident:

Car maintenance for safety

Maintain Vehicle Parts

The parts of your vehicle can determine its safety on the road. Before starting a long journey, check your brakes, tires, and fluid levels to ensure everything functions normally. Moreover, check the way your car steers. If it oversteers or understeers, there’s a good chance there’s something wrong with the ball joint. A ball joint replacement service can fix this for you. They can also fix other malfunctioning parts, such as the tie rods.

Follow Traffic Rules

It’s essential to follow all traffic rules while driving and abide by the speed limit. If you’re rushing to get somewhere, allow extra time for your journey instead of speeding up. Also, don’t tailgate other drivers or try to overtake without caution.

Avoid Distractions

Distracted driving is the leading cause of car accidents. Whether it’s your phone, music, or passengers in the car, always keep your attention on the road while driving. If you must use your phone, pull over and park safely before using it. Also, secure any loose objects that could fly around while you drive.

Stay Alert

When behind the wheel, staying alert and focused on your surroundings is essential. To avoid fatigue or drowsiness, take regular breaks from driving and get enough sleep before long journeys. Consuming caffeine can help you stay awake, but if that doesn’t work, pull over and nap.

Following these safety measures can ensure you stay safe on the road and help prevent car accidents. If an accident does happen, it’s crucial to document all details at the scene and contact your insurance company as soon as possible. Additionally, seek medical attention and follow legal procedures to protect yourself from lawsuits.

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