man using social apps

Must-Have Apps on Your Phone Before You Start a Business

We’ve seen a lot of technological advancements in the last decades. Most things nowadays are done with the help of computers. Not to mention how the internet has become faster. This helped shape many industries and how they execute operations. One area that greatly benefited from these technological advancements is business.

Business owners who are well-versed in running their businesses online are very prevalent. They have mastered the skills to do their business venture online. You can see that taking their businesses online can bring revenue. That’s why you’re now seeing people selling their stuff on the internet. Some are even selling them through live streaming. These business owners have found lots of ways to maximize the use of the internet to advance in their pursuits.

If you’re an aspiring business owner, you should know how to utilize the use of the internet, too. The same goes for people who already have existing small-scale businesses but only starting to explore the online field. To help you out, we’ve listed some of the most useful apps you should have on your phone. These apps should help you with the online operations of your business.

social media apps

Social media

You already know how useful social media is when it comes to connecting to people. If you have a business, you should be doing the same thing. And you need to be doing it more but this time, you should be building networks. One of the most efficient ways to do this is by getting your business on different social media platforms. Putting your brand out in the wild through social media can help your brand to be known easily.

According to research, around 7 in 10 Americans are social media users. Looking at this figure, you can already tell that social media can be a great help for your business. It can give your business advantages on brand exposure and client acquisitions. Another advantage of social media apps is they have useful tools to monitor your engagements. This can come in handy if you’d like to see how many people your business’s social media accounts are reaching. It can help you plan on your next social media move to target new audiences.


Another way to make your business bloom is by putting it on e-commerce platforms. People nowadays are so used to shopping online. E-commerce platforms have proved that they can make online shopping easier for average internet users. You should not miss the opportunity to join business owners in exploring e-commerce. Downloading e-commerce apps for business should help you navigate your online operations. It should show you what your customers feel about your products.

Having these apps should make you see if product informationmanagement is done correctly. Your sales can also be monitored with these e-commerce apps for business. That’s why it’s essential if you’re planning to start your small business. That’s needed especially if you’re bringing your business to e-commerce platforms.


When it comes to taking your business online, you should also focus on digital marketing. This should include search engine optimization (SEO), content creation, and blogging among others. Having analytics apps can help you monitor if you’re reaching enough audience to market your brand. Say you have a website. You need to make sure that your website reaches the first pages of search engines when people search for keywords related to your business. That’s where analytics apps can give you guides on which keywords to focus on. They can also provide you with details about your website’s traffic and many more.

Project management tools

You may be starting a business with other people. If this is the case, you would need an effective communication channel. Project management tools can do the job of gathering all of you for conferences. There are many that you can choose from. You have the industry-leading Skype for Business or you can use Basecamp. There’s also Slack or Facebook Messenger for Business. Download the app on your phone so you’re always updated in conversations about your business wherever you may go.

Help desk

No business is perfect. Yours may encounter lapses despite your vigilance. There could be problems with logistics which can cause delays in deliveries. Problems may arise with the production which can make your customers dissatisfied with your products. This is why having a centralized platform for complaints should be utilized. You should use help desk software where customers can send you their complaints. Download the app for your chosen help desk platform. This way, you can instantly be notified about every complaint that your clients may raise. You can then respond to them immediately even if you’re outside.

In a world where everything seems to be on the go, your business should keep up. These apps mentioned above should be on your phone if you have a small business. They can help you take care of your business anytime as long as you have your phone with you.

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