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5 Types of Digital Marketing to Build Your Own Brand

E-commerce has taken the Internet by storm, providing opportunities for entrepreneurs to build their own brand without trudging down the streets handing out flyers or spending a huge sum of money on newspaper or television ads. However, starting your own business from scratch is no walk in the park, even with the aid of technology.

The rise of e-commerce has made concurrent developments in marketing. As such, your mind may be buzzing with different modern business strategies for gaining recognition or keeping your clients engaged. Whether you are a business guru breaking into a new market or a greenhorn in commerce, you can try these digital marketing methods to gain ground on your competitors.

E-Mail Marketing

E-mail is the cornerstone of business communication, and marketers tout e-mail marketing as the most effective means of income generation. It is similar to direct mail marketing but in digital form. To start an e-mail campaign, build a list of potential clients. Then, you can simply offer a newsletter and send them product updates on a regular basis. Creating an e-mail newsletter is an effective way of building your relationship with your clients. When your subscriber count hits an unexpected high, you can use an autoresponder that enables you to schedule your e-mail campaigns in advance.

Social Media Marketing

While e-mail marketing is more effective in maintaining strong rapport with your current clients, social media marketing can attract more traffic and attention and bring in new clients. According to social media statistics from 2019, there are approximately 3.5 billion social media users worldwide, and it seems like the number will not go down anytime soon. With this in mind, you can extend your reach to a global scale. Also, a word about your product can spread like wildfire, thus bringing in more income. Most importantly, social media is free.

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Content Marketing

Making your own content stand out is imperative in spreading brand awareness and increasing brand loyalty. Content marketing centers on the publication and distribution of content to a target audience. Content comes in the form of blogs, podcasts, videos, and social media. In other words, content creation coincides with other digital marketing strategies like SEO and social media marketing. If you keep your audience engrossed in fresh content on your website regularly, you can win their trust, and they can share the content with a wider network.

Affiliate Marketing

If you do not want to actively take part in marketing, you can partner with an affiliate marketer who refers new clients to your business through tracked links posted on blogs, websites, or social media. Affiliate marketers earn by receiving a percentage of the revenue every time a consumer buys the product that they are endorsing.

Mobile Phone Advertising

Many people fixate on their smartphones and tablets, which is why mobile advertising is trending nowadays. Originally occurring through SMS text messages, mobile ads have developed into in-app advertisements or videos. Marketers adjust these ads to the needs of the audience in accordance with their web browsing history, shopping habits, or location.

Marketing has come a long way, from signing up for newspaper ads to promoting your business on a global scale through web content creation. Starting your own business may still be an uphill climb that involves a lot of trial and error. But, with the digital platforms at your disposal, you can now propel your business into a new level.

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